Ultra-Locks are a standard line of ID grip collet chucks that locate a tapered or straight bore on center within .0005″ T.I.R. repeatability. Different, easy to change collet sizes are interchangeable within a given arbor size.
- Ultra-Lock Design-Precision inclined flats on arbor body, expander and collet.
- Accuracy-Preload feature ensures flats remain in constant contact from part load through entire clamping range.
- Greater Torque-Drive transmitted through mating flats eliminate the need for keying collet to arbor body.
- Power Advantage-Operating pressures increased through inclined flats.
- Long Life-Built in safety stops control collet expansion and contraction, reducing collet breakage.
- Self Releasing-Collets preload ensures fast and easy part removal.
- Pullback Action-Ensures part seating and squaring-up on locating face.
- Collet Sealing-Sealed and unsealed collets are available.